“Don’t Just Reach For The Stars . . .
Talk with them, Meet with them, PERFORM With Them!”
Combine all the excitement of North America’s major cities, with extremely unique and exciting music programs involving prominent members of local performing arts communities, and you have a truly “Extraordinary Educational Experience”!
These innovative workshops and master classes are conducted by dynamic leading artists from major performing arts companies. Featured artists range from current Broadway performers and musicians, to principal members of North America’s finest orchestras, symphonies, bands and vocal ensembles. Whether you are looking for someone from the Metropolitan & NYC Operas, NY Philharmonic, Boston Symphony, Chicago Philharmonic, Los Angeles Opera, or National Symphony Orchestra – the possibilities are endless.
Every EPT music program is tailored to meet the specific needs of your group when you speak directly with the featured artist prior to the event.
Customized Choral Masterclass/Workshops
Experience a 2 hour Customized Masterclass with a principal member of the local performing arts community. The program will be tailored to meet the specific needs of your group when you speak directly to the featured artist prior to your trip.
Customized Instrumental Masterclass/Workshops
Experience a 2 hour Customized Masterclass with a principal member of the local performing arts community. The program will be tailored to meet the specific needs of your group when you speak directly to the featured artist prior to your trip.
Customized Orchestral Masterclass/Workshops
Experience a 2 hour Customized Masterclass with a principal member of the local performing arts community. The program will be tailored to meet the specific needs of your group when you speak directly to the featured artist prior to your trip.
Broadway Song & Dance
Groups get into the Broadway “state-of-mind” during this two-hour clinic, where they learn an authentic Broadway Song & Dance combination from a Broadway “triple threat”, and a professional New York City vocal coach. The group rehearses and perfects the vocals and choreography to a classic Broadway routine. Students take part in a finale Q & A with the guest artist.
The Business of Show Business
Experience an hour long workshop with a leading member of the performing arts community. This one-hour session features exhilarating private performances, personal “success stories”, backstage anecdotes and memorable career moments in the lives of these performing arts professionals. Audience participation is an integral part of this program.
Private After Show Cast Party
Pre-theater dinner parties also can be arranged! The show may be over but the night has just begun! Students enjoy an hour-long party after the Broadway show (10:45 PM – 12:00 Midnight) in a private area of a fun student friendly restaurant. We will arrange for one cast member for every 15 students. Light dinner will be served.